Client Stories

DraftWise is used daily by thousands of attorneys at multiple Vault 10, Magic Circle, and AmLaw 100 firms. Learn how firms have harnessed the power of DraftWise for unparalleled advancement. Discover real-world applications and the profound impact we're making in the legal sector.

Unlocking Strategic Potential: How DraftWise Enabled a Complete Data Picture at Slaughter and May

London-based Slaughter and May piloted DraftWise's knowledge platform to maximize the use of their curated know-how data and enhance the resources available to their lawyers. This case study covers why Slaughter and May chose to pilot DraftWise, how the platform’s lawyer-friendly functionality drove adoption, and the specific use cases that supported improved language visibility, better client outcomes, and enhanced critical thinking and learning.

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With DraftWise, Orrick improved attorney productivity, knowledge access, and satisfaction

Orrick is a global law firm representing clients across 25 markets, well known for representing tech behemoths. With DraftWise, M&A lawyers are better equipped to fulfill MAPE’s efforts, such as pooling data for client benchmarking.

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"DraftWise has been a valuable innovation partner since we began our journey to transform the M&A process several years ago. The lastest GenAI tool set makes for an even more powerful platform. Fully integrated into our deal workflow by Orrick Labs, it enables our deal teams to spot issues faster and seamlessly implement redlines based on deal history. We look forward to continuing to innovate together as we identify new use cases and client solutions."

Vedika Mehera

Director of Orrick Labs at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

"DraftWise will save our attorneys and the entire deal team hundreds of hours by enabling them to tap data and spot trends with incredible speed and accuracy. That adds up to more efficient client service and it also makes work better by enabling our team to focus on areas where they can add strategic value. We also see use cases for DraftWise precedent features beyond contracting."

Wendy Curtis

Chief Innovation Officer

“The ease with which our attorneys could quickly build an accessible, sharable knowledge collection based on prior work was something we had not seen so well executed—until now. Powerful search capabilities in DraftWise mean our best contract language is quickly obtainable and easily actionable, inside Word at the time of drafting—where and when lawyers need it most.”

Bill Koch

Chief Knowledge & Innovation Officer

“It definitely saves time, but it is not just about that. It is about quality of our product—of the drafting we’re doing. DraftWise helps the lawyer draft better and faster.”

Oliver Neasham

Senior Associate

“DraftWise is another pillar in our suite of practice innovations and client solutions. Our attorneys—who handle more corporate transactions for fast-moving venture-backed companies than any other law firm in the world—were clamoring for a tool that would allow them to better leverage that knowledge earned at the negotiating table. DraftWise is exactly the right solution for that need.”

Naveen Pai

Director of Knowledge Management